Rota Game

I created these Rota game boards and Pieces based off of Devin's Rota game( from MakeAnything( If you haven't watched his YouTube channel you should. I made these for Christmas gifts for family members. I made mine to encase the magnets so they don't have a chance to fall out. I worry about young kids swallowing them, that's why I have a plug and an encased game piece. The game piece is 2 parts, it snaps together, I also used super glue to make sure the magnets don't fall out.  The magnets used are 3 mm by 6 mm mine cost $10 for 120 of them, which is enough to make 8 complete sets of boards and pieces 15 magnets each.


Green and Yellow finished board
Blue Board
purple and turquoise board
I made a lot of these. I didn't take pictures of everything
plugs for the bottom of the board
Rota Instructions