
Tape Holder


This seems silly, but having your tape laying all over your work bench then losing it because you don't have a good place for it can be pretty annoying. They make tape holders you can buy for 10 bucks or you could build this one. I know what you're thinking. You could come up with an alternative cheap option that doesn't involve 3D printing. This is true. You could easily solve almost all of the problems I have without 3D printing, but I like using my printer and making things that solve problems and look cool in the process.

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student end of year gift


Customized key to success gift. No url because I designed it myself and haven't released it yet. $2 per key

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Selfie sticks come in all sorts of lengths and quality. Ranging from $7 - $20 I would consider this one on the lower end, but not the lowest. I am estimating $10 savings

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It seems like my funnels always disappear, they always get left out, fall in the dirt, or get broken. You don't save much by printing them when you can buy a pack of them pretty cheap. But this is a good way to make sure you always have one on hand, and save a trip to the hardware store.  You can buy them for about a dollar a piece. I like to have 3 or 4 on hand of different sizes. Having the ability to custom build the exact size is extremely useful too. I think that makes it worth  $0.50 a piece. The ones I made were small. They will work good for things like oil in a lamp or similar needs.

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Parametric funnel by Shii

Chip Clips


Chip Clips. This is one of those things you could print many times and save much more money. I usually see these for around 4 for $10. I'm marking it down as $2.50 per clip.


I also like to use the Bugz by muzz64 as chip clips.



Number made
Total Saved
Type of saving
Chip Clip
Bugz by muzz64 used as Chip Clip
Bugz by muzz64 used as Chip Clip

medicine container


If you have to take medicine at a specific time it can really be a nuisance. This post is dedicated to medicine containers for a keychain, purse, or pocket. The beauty of this is being able to print a size specific for the medicine you need to carry with you.  The closest I could find in stores still wasn't the right size and cost $6.

I have also made a few designs of my own that I will release when I have some more time.

These make great gifts for anyone who has to carry medicine.

Number made
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Type of saving
Pill case
Another Pill case
My personal design. Possible release in the future
Another personal design. Possible release in the future